Addiction & Trauma Recovery Center

Licensed by Thai Ministry of Health #84-03-00294

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Overcoming any addiction is a challenging procedure. After all, if giving up was easy, then it wouldn’t be an addiction in the first place and that’s why we have created our alcohol addiction treatment program.

Recovering is not as straight forwards as simply stopping. All addictions are labelled as such because of the mental obsession that persuades us that this time will be different and that we can drink/use/engage without the same consequences as yesterday or the last time, and alcohol addiction is a very strong example of this.

However, if you are serious and dedicated to overcoming your addiction and recovering, then our Holina alcohol addiction treatment will serve you to finally close the door to your debilitating dependency and start your alcohol addiction treatment at Holina, Koh Phangan.

Known Risks Of Untreated Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol misuse can also lead people to show a diminished level of care for their hygiene and physical appearance. As alcohol misuse progresses, the individual may look increasingly as if they have not been showering, have stopped shaving, and are no longer washing or changing their clothes.

Alcohol misuse often leads to problems in the person’s relationships across the full spectrum of life. A person who has a rather calm affect when sober may shift into moodiness, depression, or irritability when intoxicated.

Increasing legal troubles, such as assault, domestic abuse, or drunk driving, Showing up intoxicated at work, a family function, or a meeting, Yo-yoing: drinking and then stopping in a repeated pattern over time, Overreacting to any perceived criticism levelled against their drinking, Experiencing increasing financial problems, Uncharacteristically taking loans, liquidating any assets, and depleting cash accounts, Stealing and likely lying about it, Engaging in risky activities, such as unprotected sex, Incoordination & Problems walking steadily, Mood changes & Poor judgment.

What Is Alcohol Addiction?​

Alcohol use disorder is a pattern of alcohol use that involves problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol or continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems. This disorder also involves having to drink more to get the same effect or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking. Alcohol use disorder includes a level of drinking that’s sometimes called alcoholism.

Unhealthy alcohol use includes any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risk or causes other alcohol-related problems. It also includes binge drinking — a pattern of drinking where a male has five or more drinks within two hours or a female has at least four drinks within two hours. Binge drinking causes significant health and safety risks.

If your pattern of drinking results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life, you likely have alcohol use disorder. It can range from mild to severe. However, even a mild disorder can escalate and lead to serious problems, so early treatment is important.

Holina Residential Treatment

Our treatment facility is located on the beautiful tropical island of Koh Phangan, offering a serene environment with a private beach, multiple swimming pools, a sauna, gym, massage hut, and various relaxing spots. 

We cater to all dietary requirements and welcome individuals from all backgrounds, including various religions, atheists, cultures, classes, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, and body types. 

Contact us today to begin your journey towards recovery and a healthier understanding of love and relationships.

Safe & Luxurious Resort

Gorgeous Rooms

Seaview Sunset Location

On Site Treatment

2 Seaside Pools

Fully Equipped Gym

Ice Bath & Sauna

Holina Cafe


Symptoms & Signs Of Alcohol Addiction​

The behavioural signs of an alcohol use disorder will usually be apparent. People who experience alcohol misuse may become increasingly secretive about their activities because they may not want to hear people’s concerns or get advice to stop or contact a reputable alcohol addiction treatment facility. The individual may also drink in secret, either in a private place or out in public but away from concerned friends and family. Our Alcohol Addiction Treatment can help you get back to yourself.

Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink, wanting to cut down on how much you drink or making unsuccessful attempts to do so, spending a lot of time drinking, getting alcohol or recovering from alcohol use, feeling a strong craving or urge to drink alcohol, failing to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home due to repeated alcohol use, continuing to drink alcohol even though you know it’s causing physical, social, work, or relationship problems, giving up or reducing social and work activities and hobbies to use alcohol, using alcohol in situations where it’s not safe, such as when driving or swimming, developing a tolerance to alcohol so you need more to feel its effect or you have a reduced effect from the same amount, experiencing withdrawal symptoms — such as nausea, sweating, and shaking — when you don’t drink, or drinking to avoid these symptoms.

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